May 28, 2013

  • {the baby}


    she’s the one that’s always with me, right by my side.
    i don’t remember the others like this.
    maybe it’s because they had each other.
    or because i was homeschooling and they were always around.
    maybe because mamaw lived close and the kids went there often.
    now. it’s her and i. most days. just the two of us hanging.
    running around. sometimes meeting a friend for coffee or flying solo to the beach.

    she’s the most attached to me and yet the most independent. scared of hardly anything –
    except lawn mowers and automatic toilets in public restrooms.
    she’s stubborn and knows what she wants. right down to whether her underwear feel too tight or too big!
    it’s been quite the ordeal. finding underwear that meet her approval.
    i’m wondering if God’s preparing her to marry a french guy, where clothing is optional in parts of that country. ;)

    the same intensity she has about things like comfortable underwear though is  the same intensity by which she loves. all or nothing!
    throwing her arms around your neck near strangling you with her hugs.
    or my favorite of the moment – when we take a picture together, reaching up to touch my cheek with her hand and pull my face in closer.

    i’ll say, “i love my baby.”
    she replies. “i love my mommy.”


    i get asked fairly often. “is she the baby? are you done?”
    some days. when she’s refused to go to bed the night before and up the next morning before 7..
    when she’s squeezed shampoo all over her sisters bed or dumped the entire contents of fish food in the fish bowl -
    in those times my answer is yes! yes she’s the baby. and, oh man, i’m so done!

    but all the other times and most days my answer will be, “maybe. we don’t know.. we’d like another.”

    to which people either say i’m really brave or really crazy. ;)

    the thing is as i close out my last year of thirties and approach forty i’m not sure what “another” actually looks like for us..

    all i know is i want my hands open. my heart even more. and my selfishness to not cause me to miss out on a part of the story God might have for our lives.

    sometimes i wonder if the real answer to the abortion crisis in north america isn’t more picket lines or phone calls to congressmen, but a greater love for kids. starting with our own. and the ones God would want to bring into our lives in whatever way that might be ~ through fostering. adoption. helping out a young mom with her hands full. welcoming school friends the kids bring home, or the neighborhood kids right around us. and since this kind of heart change doesn’t stand still, maybe even the “big kids” too – like that grumpy man down the road you know lives all alone!

    viewing kids {viewing people} as the blessing they are and not an inconvenience to be tolerated.
    that we just put in our time then brush our hands off, glad that’s behind us.

    coming to a place as christians – as the church – as the body of Christ of putting hands and feet to our words. applying real life practicality to the fancy sounding sermons on loving others where it’s so easy to nod our heads in agreement, even give a hearty amen, but walk away and do nothing!




    i think one of the greatest ministries an older lady, whose nest is now empty, could have would be to the moms around her still with kids at home – to take little ones for an afternoon so mom could run errands alone. with older ones, passing on skills like cooking, sewing, gardening.. lost arts that no one seems to be learning anymore. or simply the enormous wisdom you have to offer from your life experiences. wow! the investment and treasure of women like this. and i’m not writing that here to give anyone a guilt trip – but for myself to hopefully come back and read and do!

    {dear self: be that older lady to young moms someday!}

    there are certainly times i cannot wait for the empty nest days to come. when i’m exhausted and maxed out.
    when i look wistfully around at my girlfriends who have only teens now and no young ones to chase and i think of the peace and quiet i might be having. 
    but this area of kids. which really spills over into something so much bigger than whether or not i ever have anymore, has been quite the journey for me. one that’s far from over.

    i think it’s a journey that looks different for every family. for every women.
    for me, a huge {HUGE} part of it has been letting go of selfishness. a constant process.
    and not allowing the opinions of others or society to dictate what only God has the right to lead us in. 

    i often think of that story in the Bible where the children came and wanted to be near Jesus and the disciples were shooing them away.
    how many times in my own life has that been my attitude. that i was too busy with something more important to make time for what seemed “insignificant.”
    but the Lord shows us by His example that loving the least of these-
    the marginalized. the unwanted. the seemingly insignificant. this is the most important work!

    and always has been.

    it’s not limited to age or how many kids we have but at the end of the day, whether that means  swinging wide our front doors or heart doors, it’s simply a willingness to be available. open. welcoming those God brings into our lives, in whatever way He does that, and loving without
    partiality or prejudice because it’s how He loved. and if we’re His, it’s how we should love too!

    ihearthismonth 246ihearthismonth 027

    Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

    Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.”

    emma and i have been working on psalm 23 and reese picked up some of the verses..
    here’s her version of it. and you might want to pause the music at the bottom before you listen.
    i especially like how she says, “righteousness.” :)


Comments (41)

  • You have a beautiful family, may they always bring you joy, even in their mischievousness.

  • so lovely…thoughts and pictures. :)

  • I agree so much. Where us the value if children in society? Everyone has forgotten that those sweet babies they “tolerate” and shun will be the generation to care for us. They are our heritage and have as much right to be anywhere as we do.
    Loving on my baby too, and trying to soak up these precious days even when I’m frustrated and tired.

  • I really needed this reminder amber. To live in the moment, not to be so selfish, and to joy in the reality of the gift of raising the next generation. I couldn’t get the video to play but I’m sure it’s adorable… your kids have a special mamma.

  • I believe our value of children is a direct indication of our value of all human life. The church might turn a blind eye to the epic proportions that abortion is growing but when culture begins to decide who is too old, too feeble, or socially unacceptable to also live they will realize the error of their ways that silence was the same as condoning.

  • i really want to have more children- someday- but today, 2 is enough! WHAT a morning. will the 2 year old stage never end?! Oh my word. It’s from one naughty thing to the next and pretty much 0% obedience. i have been too busy, haven’t been taking enough time with her. my frustration with her spills over to the older one, too, even though she’s pretty good most of the time. i apologized, r.e.a.l.l.y apologized to her this afternoon, and i could tell that she’s been hurt by my impatience, and even though emily is too young to tell me how she feels, i know i’ve hurt her, too. and yes, too often i treat my children as a nuisance instead of a blessing. :(

    reese has beautiful blue eyes. i kind of hope someday i have a blue-eyed child!

  • She is SO adorable! Sophia liked listening to her.
    Thanks for the reminder…I think it’s so hard to NOT struggle with selfishness. I’ve been doing a whole lot of that around here.
    You’re so beautiful, inside and out. :)

    Happy Tuesday to you.

  • This is a great reminder of who and how we are supposed to be as mothers, as women with Jesus coming through us. I’ve mentored a few people through the years and continue to do so as God puts young ladies into my path. It’s a blessing and I love seeing the young moms who want so much to be God’s best.  Reese is so beautiful…I love how clear, perfectly reflected her blue eyes are! And blueberries…so pretty!

  • Reese is so sweet, saying the 23rd Psalm. I think I did what you suggested for several years. I’m too tired now to do a lot, but I do what I can, and I pray.

  • She  is so precious and what a wonderful post! 

    There was a middle aged couple in front of us at church Sunday and the man was commenting on our family.  He said their youngest son (of 3) had graduated from high school that weekend and he wished sometimes that they had had more children.  I have heard that more times than I could count. 

    And I agree with you about older women helping younger moms and being a blessing to them.  I want to be that kind of woman one day! 

  • Oh my, what a little sweetie. That was a treat, to hear her!
    Wonderful post.

  • Loved this, Amber! I never knew how selfish I really was until I had children! They refined me, and now, as adults, continue to do so! My youngest daughter is very much in favor of adopting. They want one more “homegrown” and then they will apply for a child. If we will only tap in to God’s limitless love, and pour it out, we can change the world!

  • I love this!!!! “sometimes i wonder if the real answer to the abortion crisis in north america isn’t more picket lines or phone calls to congressmen, but a greater love for kids. starting with our own. and the ones God would want to bring into our lives in whatever way that might be” I couldn’t agree with you more. Thanks for this lovely post.

  • Your baby is adorable.

  • “I think it’s a journey that looks different for every family”…i would have to agree! and that applies to so many areas, something i have to remind myself of, not to be preasured one way or another just because it’s “the way to do it” and to give grace to others as they follow God’s leading for their family.

  • amen to the ministry of “older women” lol – I’ve not known many who have that idea in their heads but wow, how wonderful that would be, right?
    I’ve a feeling we both might be some busy grandmas someday thought to help much of anyone else ~

    Adorbs on the video. Hard to believe how time flies. Babies sure don’t stay around long.
    Have a lovely Wed.

  • “Sometimes i wonder if the real answer to the abortion crisis in north america isn’t more picket lines or phone calls to congressmen, but a greater love for kids.”  Yes!  A love so deep that one would raise a child for another.  A love so deep that one would financially provide for another.  A love so deep that one would provide a home for another.  All of this for choosing life.

  • Good post! Your little girl is so cute.

  • I have to agree that loving all kids, and especially our own kids, has to be part of the answer to teaching our nation the value of life. I’ve wondered why God had me/us struggling with infertility…and then I look at our two adopted boys and know that they were meant to be ours from before the beginning of time. Because our kids are different races from us, I feel like we’re living that love with a megaphone when we’re in public. And I’m honored that God is letting us be in such a fishbowl. We, too, are listening to God for another. My heart says YES! My practicality wonders how a 44yr old can do more all nighters with a newborn. And there’s still that inkling of hope to experience one pregnancy. But no matter what, God is teaching us to love because that shows others how to love.

  • Loved this post! Reminds me of my baby who also is my little shadow all day. I did myself longing for less intense mothering days and yet knowing in my heart to enjoy these days because like the cashier at the grocery store said…. One day the house will be too quiet. But I hope for grand kids:)

  • I, too, AMEN where you said, “sometimes I wonder if the real answer to the abortion crisis in north America isn’t more picket lines or phone calls to congressmen, but a greater love for kids. starting with our own. and the ones God would want to bring into our lives in whatever way that might be ~ through fostering. adoption. helping out a young mom with her hands full. welcoming school friends the kids bring home, or the neighborhood kids right around us. and since this kind of heart change doesn’t stand still, maybe even the “big kids” too – like that grumpy man down the road you know lives all alone!” You bless me!
    Reese is absolutely precious! Loved hearing her little voice, and oh, how sweet the pic of her pulling your face closer to hers!! Precious!!

  • LOL I’ve never used a mini and posted before my comment! I will only echo here what others have said that this was a wonderful post and I agree that our love for children is connected to the abortion issue. Your Reece is adorable. I like her big hair bow and wide blue eyes.

  • This is such a great post I plan on sharing it on facebook. So much truth!

  • Love these thoughts. I so needed to hear them right now.

  • Hey friend! Miss you.
    She is absolutely beautiful. And I know what you mean about her being right by your side. I wonder too if it’s just that the older three are busier or if #4 is a few years behind the others……but whatever the reason, I am my #4′s main squeeze.
    Just added you to my blogger list.
    Hope your Friday is good!

  • @aSeriesofFortunateEvents - the generation to care for us.. YES! and scary. how’s the first day of summer vacay going at your house??

  • @grace_to_be - 
    I’m glad I was home today! It’s been totally fine. Potty training is about 50/50. I’ve successfully trained myself to take Oliver to the potty but if I don’t take him he will go wherever he’s at. He doesn’t like it, he cries til we change underwear but he also doesn’t make any effort to go to the bathroom BEFORE peeing either. SIGH.

  • @richlyblest - 2 is such a trying age! reese has certainly been my toughest yet. on those days i just think it’ll never change/ get better i look at the older ones {ben especially} ;) and remind myself they are NOT 2 forever. thank God! ;) ) big hugs to you today friend. xo

  • @ata_grandma - well prayer is HUGE. and i could have guessed you were the type to mentor/ help young moms out.. i can see that in you! :) )

  • @aretheyallyours - yes, so true. seldom do ppl wish they didn’t have the kids they do, but many wish for those they never did!

  • @BigToePeople - ”living that love with a megaphone.” i like how you put that!! and i so hear you on wondering if you can do another little one. as i approach 40 i wonder too. my mom had my last brother at 44 and i can’t imagine him not in our lives~ i think of that when i think i’m too old. ;) )

  • @ToLiveLoved - hey girl! is your new blog up and running yet?? i don’t think i’ve seen the link.. liz was just telling me xanga is shutting down. looks like the decision to move or not was made for us all! :) )

    miss you too. xx

  • @aSeriesofFortunateEvents - oh, man! potty training. :p wish you lived closer so i could just bring reese over and you train her along with o. we finally got some underwear the other night she likes, but she just pees away in them and then goes and changes into another pair!! h.e.l.p.

  • @grace_to_be - 

    Yesterday, my mother in law came to pick up the older boys (who are staying there til next wednesday, I <3 my MIL and I <3 Summer!) anyway Oliver went right up to her and said, Pee! and then I took him and he went in the potty. What a traitor! after all week of me taking him potty he never tells me he has to go.

  • @aSeriesofFortunateEvents - hahaha! little stinker! maybe he and reese aren’t a good match – they sound too much alike! ;) )

  • Your baby is adorable, Amber!!  And I love your thoughts here so very, very much.  Your heart for mothering always inspires me.  Love ya.

  • I wish I haa a wordpress archive like you do oh well

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