March 26, 2013

  • {toss salad}

    march 208

    i watched this documentary last week called, “Healthy for Change.”
    it’ll make you never want to eat mcdonald’s again.
    atleast for three or four days.

    afterwards i was feeling desperate for something healthy. anything.
    i could see my arteries clogging by the second!  
    so i headed to the fridge to find whatever i could that looked semi nutritious..
    when you’ve been gone for over a week and not to the grocery store in like two though, pickins are slim.

    but i basically emptied the crisper drawer..
    took the wilted lettuce and few shriveled veggies that could be salvaged chopped em up. threw them in a bowl. and there was my tossed salad!

    i think this post might feel like that. a bit chopped and tossed together~


    two weeks ago the kids had their march break and we headed south to my parents.
    it was one of those weeks where i had one set of expectations and everything the total opposite seemed to happen.
    not like just rain and snow. but hard stuff. relationship stuff.
    the kind of stuff none of us like dealing with, but have to. need to.

    on our last day the sun broke and we headed out for a local park with a few of my brothers.
    we ended up doing a little hike around a trail in the woods…
    even though i totally wasn’t wearing hiking type of shoes. 
    as i walked, and knew of the blisters i’d be feeling tomorrow -
    it struck me how often it’s in pain we see some of the greatest beauty.

    if i hadn’t went on that path i would have missed out..
    and my week had been just the same!
    though no fun at the time, it was those things unplanned and unprepared that carried the greatest treasure..
    hearts melded closer together. truth clung to. the resolve greater. the Lord nearer.

    when we were home and someone asked how the week was, after a few seconds of, “ummm…”
    i finally answered, “it was very full.”

    “well, that’s good,” they nodded.

    and i smiled because i knew they didn’t have a clue what kind of full i actually meant.
    that really, only God and i would ever know all my heart held from that week.
    a week i thought had gone all wrong, and yet here.. somehow, it was exactly what i needed.

    He works {all} things together.

    “It seems it was good for me to go through those troubles.
    Throughout them all you held tight to my lifeline.
    You never let me tumble over the edge into nothing.
     But my sins you let go of, threw them over your shoulder—GOOD RIDDANCE!
    The dead don’t thank you, and choirs don’t sing praises from the morgue.
    Those buried six feet under don’t witness to your faithful ways.
    It’s the living—live men, live women—who thank you, just as I’m doing right now.
    God saves and will save me. As fiddles and mandolins strike up the tunes,
    We’ll sing, oh we’ll sing, sing, for the rest of our lives in the Sanctuary of God.”
    [Isaiah 38:16-20 The Message]

    PicMonkey Collage spring reese


    you know. the thing when you walk through hard stuff is it kinda knocks the wind out of your sails for awhile ~
    which isn’t always a bad thing. to be windless. still. to get quiet and tuck away for a time.
    i love writing for a processing of thoughts. but there are at times thoughts too deep to put into words..
    it’s like i have to just sit with them. letting God put them in order in my heart, me not trying to work them through or come to a conclusion.
    as shayne reminded me today, “we can’t explain everything. ”
    we want to. we want to understand and know the why and wrap it all up in a neat little box with a bow on top.
    but i’m convinced more and more God’s all about taking our neat little boxes..
    that we think we have all figured out and put together and blowing them wide open.
    proving again, we don’t get to decide who God is.
    in our human eyes we won’t always get it.
    but it’s not for us to”get it,” but learning what it means to to lay it down.
    resting in His Wise Love that knows exactly what He’s doing. blown apart pieces and all!  
    and if it’s about being transformed to His image -
    there’s no better way than wrapping myself to His side and holding on for dear life~

    “We please God most, not by frantically trying to make ourselves good, but by throwing ourselves into His arms with all our imperfections and believing that He understands everything – and loves us still.”


    we live in a culture where it seems more than ever to be fixated on perfectionism.
    it’s in every commercial, magazine cover, movie.
    every joke made about the melissa mccarthy’s of our world! 
    it’s in books and the racks of our department stores. in the latest fad diets.
    even in the pulpits of our churches. and sadly, the spirit in many of our christian circles.
    that unspoken list of “rules” that this is what you have to do to be accepted.
    this is the standard by which you measure your self worth. 

    social media has added to the list even more as we sit scrolling through the calculated glimpses people allow us to have into their lives, convincing us everyone is happy happy happy all the time as they instagram their sunny walks and status update us on how great their love life is and hashtag every adjective in the english language and tweet every mile they’ve run and pinterest all the creative anything that’s ever been thought of and blog from picture perfect homes with kids that never seem to have runny noses or stains on their shirts. but… i just want to stand up on a chair and say loud and clear – it’s okay to not always be okay!

    it’s more than okay. we need people like you! to remind the rest of us it’s okay too.

    nothing wrong with sunny walks and great love lives. of having fun and running miles.
    what would we do without pinterest and who really wants to look at runny noses anyway?
    but as we see ourselves and women around us burdened down with a burden they don’t have to bear –
    we need to take hold of truth and pass it on to those around us.
    superwoman is not real!! ;)
    there’s no such thing as a perfect mom or wife or friend or homemaker.
    there’s no marriage that hasn’t known conflict and no family that has it all together. 
    we all live the same way – one grace paved step at a time!
    we don’t have to be more. do more. look more.

    with all our flaws and shortcomings and weakness’ God can and does still use us.
    let’s rally the sisterhood and take a moment to whisper over to those standing near us, “you are enough!”
    when our identity is found in Christ we’re more than enough because our significance isn’t coming from our toned bodies or awesome marriages or perfect looking homes – our significance is coming from Christ and He holds all we need.

    “the richness of the fullness of Christ.”

    but even though we know it we lose sight of it. we’re going to forget. and, if you’re like me, far too quickly.
    and so let’s offer each other the room to grow. the grace to be.
    sometimes what points someone back to God isn’t preaching at them a truth, but living it out!
    maybe just sitting down next to them and with a squeeze of the hand reassuring them, yeah.. it’s okay to not always be okay. 

    3.2013 115
    3.2013 188


    a friend said to me recently and it’s been hanging in my heart ever since –
    just because bad things happen doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong.
    it can also mean you’re doing something exactly RIGHT!

    satan is out to destroy us any way, face, form, shape he can.
    let’s not lose sight of who the real enemy is. certainly not one another!


    seems there was more i had to share about march break and last week and oh, the stomach flu that’s come back to haunt us..
    but that’s all the salad i can toss together for now. {no connection intended between flu and toss} ;) )

    here’s some pics instead that will tell some of the stories of the last few weeks for me~

    3.2013 0833.2013 094

    march~ 264marchness 935
    3.2013 201marchness~ 605
    3.2013 1853.2013 330
    3.2013 1083.2013 317
    3.2013 053marchness~ 539

    march~ 023
    march 109

    marchness~ 185march~ 0273.2013 077
    3.2013 0643.2013 1243.2013 311
    3.2013 3323.2013 0793.2013 098
    3.2013 1993.2013 2093.2013 315

    3.2013 376
    3.2013 401bw
    3.2013 004
    3.2013 097
    marchness~ 359
    3.2013 023
    3.2013 450


    here’s the song i’m loving right now.


    “You, O Lord have made a way..
    the great divide you healed.
    For when our hearts were far away –
    Your love went further still.

    Yes, your love goes further still.”

Comments (41)

  • “just because bad things happen doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong.” Just what I needed to hear today!! I analyse everything waaaay too much – always asking what we’re doing wrong when things go opposite of what we hoped, prayed for and expected – it leads to discouragement, doubt, frustration and wondering if God has turned his face from us, asking if we have something blocking our prayers, his blessings, etc.

    That sunset photo made me catch my breath in awe of God’s goodness to show us such beauty! Love it

    Praying for you this week Amber – blessings of peace, overflowing joy in all circumstances.

  • Love that line too…”just because bad things happen….” My dad has been preaching through the book of Job. It’s been very encouraging.
    Look how God used him! Not in a way that anyone would choose to be used, but He used him in a mighty way.

    Loved looking through all your pictures. I always do. =)
    Glad you had a chance to visit with your family.

  • I read about your tossed salad as I sat here eating a Klondike bar ~ sigh ~

  • I just love your heart Amber. You speak (type) the words that my own heart has been mulling over but I’ve not been able to really pin down to any one thing. My thoughts have been a muddy mess of things but you certainly hit on a few of them here. Thank you for honesty. Thank you for boldness to lay it out there.

  • God doesn’t “need” any of us…it’s a privilege to serve HIM.  Love your sharing, it is deep and rich.  Thank you for sharing from your heart!  I always enjoy seeing pic’s of your sweet family as well.    Part of being His child is  that we  can be assured HE will ever be teaching us through circumstances till the day we die.  (ie…relationships with people, family, friends,church brothers and sisters, co-workers)!  If we stayed young, healthy and beautiful without aging there are many valuable lessons we would never learn….age and sickness has taught me more in my life than any other avenue! I have Lupus and  there are many days when I have a hard time functioning….and through this my faith has grown so much…I understand spiritual things clearer and have a deeper relationship with my Lord, so much so that I thank HIM for the sickness because it has helped me grow stronger in HIM…..I have learned more about my Jesus through suffering than I ever did when I was young and perfectly healthy and “thought” I had it altogether! Perfect only exsist in Jesus and the sooner we learn it, the better it is for us!     My favorite verse of late is  “II Cor. 12:9″…..Our Lord never waste anything ~ HE wisely uses it all to help us grow to be more like our dear Jesus.  Love you sweet girl! You remind me so much of your precious Grandmother.  <3

  • One of the best things someone ever said to me is that things happen. Sometimes it’s not because of anything I did, the Lord did or the enemy did. Sometimes life just happens and you have to face it and deal with it. That was such a blessing to me because I often dwell on things I shouldn’t and waste major amounts of time wondering how I could have fixed something or done something different.

  • Your spring break pics are beautiful.  I like how you described your week as being full but didn’t say what it was full of.  I’m going to remember that term for future conversations.  ;)

  • Y our pictures are breathtaking!

  • One grace-paved step at a time! Love that!

  • Thanks for sharing. I am glad that someone puts into words the thoughts that often go through my mind. Do we look like perfect to others? We aren’t, but also I think there is a balance between what we should share, and what we shouldn’t. I think you touched on that too.

  • One thing I like about Xanga is that we can share deep thoughts like you just did. None of us have perfect lives or perfect families, in spite of the pictures we post. I am so thankful for His grace. Hope you got to go to the grocery store and get some fresh veggies for your next salad.

  • “superwoman is not real”……amen, thanks for reminder and encouragment….

  • Thanks for this. It’s true. We are all broken. And although we can’t always pour it all out there for everyone to gawk at, being real is way more of an encouragement than looking perfect. To me, anyway. Love you and love your honestly. We all need Jesus. And He is enough.

  • Another great reminder. I love you, Amber!

  • Amber, I don’t even know how to put into words what I’m feeling… but this post just hits home to me right now. And it touches me so deeply. Thank you, thank you. How I love you!

  • “we all live the same way – one grace paved step at a time!
    we don’t have to be more. do more. look more. ”

    Beautiful photos, great realizations and honestly, quite a relief to remember that it is ok, that he is using us anyway and that we’re enough like you wonderfully have said.

    Thank you so very much for sharing your delightful thoughts with us.

    And, for the flu, a teaspoon of honey mixed with a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon in some hot water might do the trick and keep said flu at bay.

  • @wj3km - i totally hear you.. been there so many times. “God? hello?” but i think of Job and Joseph and Paul {to name a few}. i’m sure they questioned. doubted. wondered where they had so screwed up. and though i know that yes, there is consequences for sin. i also know there is a purification we get no other way except by trials. those things that force us to move closer into the Lord. i’d like think i could get there on my own.. that i don’t need to go through the hardships. but it never works that way. when things are easy, smooth, i become complacent and selfish. when there are things out of my control, that i don’t understand, i can either fight to try to make sense of it all.. or yield and rest in the knowledge God knows best. i’ve tried both ways. and usually the first before i do the second, ;) but the second is always the one that in the end brings me the most peace.

    i love a quote from ravi zacharias -”God hurts deeply those He uses greatly.” and. maybe love was a strong word to use there. but i know it’s true, let’s just say that. ;) )

    hang in there friend. i’m hangin with ya!

  • @Elizabethmarie_1 - my husband was quoting something from Job to me the other day and i was like, “well, i aint no Job!” ;) )

    so glad God put stories like that in the Bible for us. they give me HOPE!

  • @fwren - send me one. i’m sick of salad!

  • @onehappymomma - thanks eli. it’s not always easy to “put it out there.” i second guess and get all insecure and think i must sound morbid ;) but if something i’m going through can encourage someone else to not feel so alone in their journey, that’s worth it to me.

  • We sing that song in church and it always, always moves me. 

    I was thinking this morning about Christianity and how sometimes our deepest beliefs cause us to expect perfection in OURSELVES and others, instead of simply being grateful that Our Perfect Jesus is ENOUGH.  Because of Him, we can rest, and just be.  When we put our eyes on people (our own selves, included) we will always be disappointed, so let’s lift them up to Him.

  • @SealedbyGrace - yes. as a girlfriend will often say, “Life happens.” ;) ) so true!

  • @Mommaof6 - ”I have learned more about my Jesus through suffering than I ever did when I was young and perfectly healthy and “thought” I had it altogether! Perfect only exsist in Jesus and the sooner we learn it, the better it is for us!”

    always appreciate the words you share here. so much wisdom! and thanks for saying i remind you of my grandma.. she’s a pretty special lady! :)

  • “but it’s not for us to”get it,” but learning what it means to to lay it down.”

    I am learning that with a situation at work. Thank you for so beautifully sharing with us.

  • So good, Amber!! That quote about how to please God is life-giving to me.

    I know exactly what you mean about wanting to wrap things up in a bow and have them all hold out as we want.  I so get that.  But I also know that life often doesn’t work like that and therein lies a lot of the struggle for me.

    Keep your chin up!  God is working in and through you!

  • i rather like (alot) tossed posts from you.
    or, any post from you really.
    this one was full of nuggets of good truths.
    that whole thing of it’s okay to not always be okay?
    but, you know, i’m finding i can much easier grant that to another than i can myself.
    thank you for this post Amber.
    (hugs) to you my friend!

  • I don’t know exactly what your going through Amber but *hugs* to you! God’s brought you into it and he’ll bring you through it! None of us have attained the perfect life, we’re still in that journey. He is enough though that’s for sure!

    How fun that you got to spend some time with your family. Wow, Ben sure has that skateboard thing down! I’m impressed! I’d be scared and totally land on my face if I tried any of that stuff.

    Hope you guys get to feeling better soon! Keep eating that salad! :)

  • Amber the comments above say better than I can say with my poor English .
    I would repeat only what I was told recently ” Have confidence ( faith ) and live day to day ” . Is not what the gospel says?.
    The photos show the happiness but it is right this  may have ups and downs . We memorize the good times .

    Have a great Holy Week and a joyous Easter.



  • You again have put into words what often are my own thoughts! I wish I were less insecure about being more open but I suppose we all feel that way in some degree as you said in your reply to someone above. Thank you for following His voice and not giving in to your fear. I needed to hear the words, “you’re enough” today.

  • i keep coming back here thinking i will comment this time… but i still can’t think what to say. there is so much goodness and truth in here. i love it, love you! sometimes it seems like all life is, is one hard thing after another. i guess  that’s why we have to focus on the good moments as much as we can. otherwise, the hard, the bad can easily overwhelm us.

  •  ”it’s okay to not always be okay” and “you’re enough” are like a perfect soothing salad dressing to all that feels chopped and tossed in my head and life.
    making it delicious? or appetizing? not really. :) but making it, reminding me! it is simply… okay. if that makes sense.?  :) it’s today. not the end of the story.
    rest cindy rest. He has more. so much more. thanks for the coming alongside hand squeeze and hug that i felt here with your post… and your transparency that has grabbed and encouraged me countless times. His love and favor on you and yours. hugs and handsqueezes right back.

  • “we can’t explain everything. ” – isn’t that the truth. :) But man I’d sure like to some days!
    I’m pretty sure all my life is always ok, ya know – nature walks, kissy love, and running lots of miles lol! Is that ok? ;)
    perfectionism is only in peoples imagination. It doesn’t exist but in Jesus Christ and His perfect love for all of us who are never anything but below okay without Him.
    That’s grace. awesome, amazing grace. Grace to be imperfect because His perfect love casts out all fear of not being more than okay.
    Great post. Great pics. Great grace.

  • @TrentTribe - yes. it says alot w/out saying alot. ;) )

    @Grace Miller -  thank you! xo

  • @lifeisadance - and how i love you right back!

    @nov_way - i tried the honey mixture the other night. not bad! :)

    @purpleamethyst76 -  yes, AMEN!! reminds me of the hymn, turn your eyes upon Jesus. and what? the things of this world will grow strangely dim… :)

  • @bakersfarm - work related conflict can be some of the hardest to deal with.. that dread each morning of having to go into a place that no longer feels “safe.” saying a prayer right now for you for extra grace and calm as you walk through this~

  • @appalolly - ugh. the box thing. yeah.. that one’s hard for me too. especially when i’m looking around at everyone else, comparing, and it APPEARS they all have their junk in a neat little box w/ a bow on top!!! i said to shayne recently, if it weren’t for other people i wouldn’t struggle so hard keeping my eyes on the Lord. ;) )

    @foreveranoatneygirl_n2Hisown -  yes. i once heard beth moore talking about the hardest person to give grace to is ourselves.. and in her thick southern accent saying, “you are under His blood, girlfriend. it was shed for you.. you’re apart of the world John is talking about that He loved so much and came for… He’s got you covered.” we’re enough because HE IS!!! tight tight hug back to you, friend~

    @fauquet - thank you so much, michel. you’re always so kind! happy easter to you as well~

  • @redladybug18 - yes. ben and his skateboard.. i usually take pictures of him with my eyes shut!! ;) ))

  • @richlyblest - love you too. and yes. one hard thing after another. not that there isn’t good. there always is. even the hard when our eyes are on Him. i keep thinking of what april said – “battered and broken but stumbling after Him..” that’s it.

  • @down_onthefarm - aw. it’s today, not the end of the story. love THAT!

    @resolved2worship - haha! yes. it’s okay to be okay too. ;) ) loved this last part- “grace to be imperfect because His perfect love cast out fear…” mmm. i have a feeling that’s going to hang with me for the rest of the day. soothing!

  • Hi friend. I feel like the long lost relative……wondering how long I can blame EVERYTHING on moving……
    Love this post.
    Favorite pic is the one with Emma’s little hand on Reese’s rear end. It’s like a football “atta boy” tap! So cute.

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